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Industry-leading certifications and training for continuous learning
Focused training to develop skills based on a specific area of interest
Rigorous training content and labs for the most critical and in-demand job roles
Focused training to develop critical cybersecurity skills
MITRE ATT&CK- and D3FEND-aligned learning paths
Cyber Ranges
Set up tournaments and test red and blue team skills in a live-fire cyber range
Train on the latest attack vectors to address vulnerabilities
Prepare for the next attack with simulated real-world training environments
Continuous learning & hands-on skills development for cybersecurity teams
Unique training for government agencies and educational institutions
Meet critical cyber workforce needs with OffSec's learning platform
Prove critical knowledge & skills with an industry-standard certification
Challenge yourself in real-world lab environments
Ready yourself for the next step in your cybersecurity career
Provide continuous Learning Library access to build cyber workforce resilience
Hands-on training in live-fire, simulation environments
Let OffSec conduct a comprehensive vulnerability assessment
Flexible options based on your learning goals
12-month access to a single course, related labs, and two exam attempts
90-day access to a single course, related labs, and one exam attempt
12-month access to introductory- and essential-level content
OffSec-curated private labs to practice and perfect your pentesting skills
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OffSec TwitchArmitage is a fantastic Java-based GUI front-end for the Metasploit Framework developed by Raphael Mudge. Its goal is to help security professionals better understand hacking and help them realize the power and potential of Metasploit. Further information about this excellent project, along with its complete manual, can be obtained at Armitage’s Official Website.