Build cyber workforce resilience with OffSec’s cybersecurity training

Upskill talent and build cyber workforce resilience with our practical, real-world cybersecurity training.

<span class='font-bold'>Build cyber workforce resilience with OffSec’s cybersecurity training</span>

Mitigate risks with role-specific cybersecurity training programs

The Ponemon Institute reveals that organizations with skilled cyber teams can reduce the cost of a breach by $1.2 million (Source: Ponemon Institute).

Mitigate the impact of a cyber attack by upskilling IT and cybersecurity team members to roles that demonstrate the greatest reduction in risk for your organization.

A robust Learning Library

The OffSec Learning Library provides online cybersecurity training that equips your technical team with the skills to identify and protect against vulnerabilities.

Our courses and content cover entry-level to advanced specializations in penetration testing, web application security, security operations, cloud security, and software security.

OffSec CyberRange (OCR)

Conduct fire drills in realistic virtual labs with OCR (OffSec Cyber Range), exclusive to our Learn Enterprise subscription.

Stay ahead of threats with the latest exploit vectors for offensive and defensive teams.

Learning Paths

Technical team members will develop a specific skill through small, concentrated blocks and content.

  • Network Penetration Testing Essentials
  • Security Operations Essentials
  • IT Generalist - Advanced*
  • Get Good at Python
  • Get into Development
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Unlock cybersecurity courses and certifications, Learning Paths, and OCR, with our Learn Enterprise subscription.

Taught by experts

Our online cybersecurity training provides hands-on skills that translate to immediate impact. Interested in seeing what our training is like? Watch our experts in action during OffSec Live sessions, and review our recordings on YouTube.

How organizations empower technical teams with cybersecurity training

Organizations build cyber resilience with our unmatched skills development and hands-on learning platform. The following case studies and interviews demonstrate how our clients have used our cybersecurity training programs:


At Packetlabs Ltd., the passion and persistence it takes to earn the OSCP is a foundational requirement for further skills acquisition in specialties like web application security, exploit development, and red teaming.

We classify the OSCP as the first stepping stone. Then usually within the first couple of weeks, we say, here’s OSWE if you want to go on the web path, OSED if you want to do more red team down the road. "

Denis Kucinic,

Vice President of, Operations at Packetlabs Ltd.


EPAM Systems scaled and upskilled their security teams using our comprehensive, hands-on cybersecurity training platform, enabling them to stay current with the rapidly changing threat landscape.

We really enjoy the OffSec Learn Enterprise solution as it provides training on the latest threats, while supporting the different learning needs of our team members. "

Vitali Dzemidovich,

Service Delivery Manager at EPAM Systems

Pulsar Security

Beyond leveraging our training to implement a workforce development program, Pulsar Security discussed how they measured the impact of cybersecurity learning. 

It’s incredible how real-world the course (PEN-300) is…Our red teams were not only able to understand the technical aspect of what they’re doing, but also relate it to the real world. "

Duane Laflotte,

CTO at Pulsar Security


The collaboration between Paidy and OffSec is a testament to the power of professional training in shaping the future of cybersecurity. This partnership has fortified Paidy's digital defenses and set a benchmark for others in the industry.

For the type of job we are doing, skills taught in OffSec courses are crucial. The way you keep the content fresh also allows us to constantly go back and learn new things that are important for our roles. "

Blake Iyamuremye,

Security Engineer at Paidy

Why OffSec?

Our online cybersecurity training offers a distinct competitive advantage that stems from an unwavering focus on practical, in-depth learning.

Learners dive deep into environments where they must navigate and solve complex, ambiguous challenges in a realistic context.

This approach empowers technical teams with practical skills that go beyond theoretical knowledge.

Start building the path to a secure future

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