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Kali Linux

Jun 20, 2009

Keeping BackTrack up to Date

Keeping BackTrack up to Date

1 min read

Our BackTrack repositories keep getting updated with new tools, drivers etc. For example, we just added legacy madwifi-ng and r8187 injection capable drivers to the repository. You can follow these simple steps to add them to your iso, and keep it updated in general.

cd ~
mkdir ISO
mv bt4-pre-final.iso ISO
cd ISO
wget www.offensive-security.com/bt4-customise.sh
chmod 755 bt4-customise.sh
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade && apt-get install madwifi-drivers r8187-drivers
echo blacklist ath5k >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist  # In case you want to use madwifi-ng as default
echo blacklist rtl8187 >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist  # In case you want to use legacy r8187 as default

The script should then run and generate the updated iso for you in /root/ISO/bt4-mod.iso.

Easy huh ?

Make sure you check read over the script – change the iso filename if needed!

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