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Kali Linux

Dec 3, 2009

Exploit-DB Updates

Exploit Database updated with OSVDB, CVE, Firefox toolbar and SVN functionality

1 min read

Exploit Database Browser Search BarLots of new updates in the exploit-db arena. Barabas whipped up a quick browser search bar plugin.

We got a massive CVE / OSVDB entry update from Steve Tornio which was added to our DB. Our “perfect” exploit template now has links to the exploit code, vulnerable app , CVE and OSVDB entries. See this example. You can now search for exploits via CVE or OSVDB.

We’ve added a new column to the database – “V”. We attempt to verify submitted code in a testing environment. Exploits that we manage to verify will be marked accordingly. It will take us a LONG time to get the list updated, bear with us.

The Exploit Database can now be downloaded via GitHub.

[cc lang=”bash”]
git clone https://github.com/offensive-security/exploit-database

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