
OffSec News

Aug 26, 2020

CTP Sunset FAQ

On August 13, 2020, Offensive Security announced that our Cracking the Perimeter course would be retired. Get your questions answered in this update.

6 min read

Last updated: August 26, 2020

Further to our announcement about sunsetting our Cracking the Perimeter (CTP) course and the current OSCE certification, we have more details to share about what will happen as part of the transition to the new courses and certifications.

As a reminder:

  • October 15, 2020 will be the last day students may register for CTP.
  • Students who hold an OSCE will not lose their certification or be required to recertify.
  • Two new courses will be released in the coming months, each with their own certifications.
  • These two certs, plus the OSWE certification gained from Advanced Web Attacks and Exploitation, will comprise a new, updated OSCE certification.

Our goal in announcing these upcoming changes is to provide sufficient time for potential students to make informed choices about their options. Anyone who would like to take the original CTP course will need to purchase it before October 15, 2020. Anyone who purchases it will be eligible to take the certification exam and earn the legacy OSCE certification.

Jump to: The OSCE Exam and Certification | The New Courses | Pricing, Discounts, Vouchers, Offers | Miscellaneous

The OSCE Exam and Certification

What will happen to my existing OSCE certification? Is OSCE going away? Will it still be valid?

Nothing will happen to your OSCE certification. Existing OSCE certification holders will retain their OSCE certification.

However, we are retiring the existing OSCE certification and introducing a new certification which can be earned by completing the three aforementioned courses: Advanced Web Attacks and Exploitation, Evasion Techniques and Breaching Defenses, and Windows User Mode Exploit Development.

Given that CTP is sold with 60 days of lab time, how long after October 15th will the labs be available?

We will support the CTP course through October 14, 2021. This means lab time purchased will be available until that date. However, we will not allow lab extension purchases beyond June 14, 2021 to ensure all lab time purchases may be fully completed.

If I buy CTP by or before October 15, 2020, what is the latest date I can schedule my OSCE exam?

The last day you may sit for an OSCE exam will be October 14, 2021.

We will not allow any exam retake purchases beyond June 14, 2021, and exam retakes must be scheduled to be completed no later than October 14, 2021.

What about retakes for my OSCE exam? Can these still be purchased after October 15? What is the last day I can schedule an exam retake?

All OSCE exam retakes must be completed by October 14, 2021.

We will not allow any exam retake purchases beyond June 14, 2021, and exam retakes must be scheduled to be completed no later than October 14, 2021.

Will existing OSCE holders have to take the new certification?

No. Current OSCEs retain their certification. No action needed or required on their part. If you would like to pursue the new OSCE certification path, you are welcome to do so.

How will the OSCE exam change?

The topics of the current exam will not change and will be retired at a later date.

Will OffSec make more OSCE exam rooms available?

Yes. We will add more exam rooms in October 2020.

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The New Courses and Certifications

How can we prepare for the new courses? What do I need to know before registering?

We will share information about course prerequisites in the coming weeks. Please keep an eye on our social media accounts.

What are the new certification names?

We will update this question in the coming weeks. Please keep an eye on our social media accounts.

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Pricing, Discounts, Vouchers, Offers

How much will the new courses cost?

We will update this question in the coming weeks. Please keep an eye on our social media accounts.

Will the 3 courses for the new OSCE cert be priced separately or will there be a bundle?

We will update this question in the coming weeks. Please keep an eye on our social media accounts.

If I have a voucher for CTP, do I have to redeem it by or before October 15?

Yes. If you wish to take the CTP course before it is retired, you must redeem your voucher and register no later than October 15, 2020.

Alternatively, you may also choose to apply available CTP voucher funds to a course of your choosing (although we recommend using it toward Advanced Web Attacks and Exploitation, Evasion Techniques and Breaching Defenses, or Windows User Mode Exploit Development) within 12 months of your original CTP voucher purchase.

Can I convert my recent CTP purchase to AWAE or one of the new courses? What if I have already started CTP?

If you’ve already started CTP then unfortunately, we will not be able to issue a refund, voucher, or conversion to another course. If you purchased and started CTP between January 1, 2020 and August 13, 2020 (the date we formally announced the CTP course retirement) we will extend a one-time special offer of $500 toward one of the following courses: Advanced Web Attacks and Exploitation, Evasion Techniques and Breaching Defenses, or Windows User Mode Exploit Development.

If you have not started CTP or downloaded the course materials and purchased prior to August 13, 2020, (the date we formally announced the CTP course retirement) we can convert your CTP course into a voucher for a new course. You may apply the voucher to an alternative course of your choosing, to be used within 12 months of your original CTP course purchase (although we recommend using it toward Advanced Web Attacks and Exploitation, Evasion Techniques and Breaching Defenses, or Windows User Mode Exploit Development).

If you’ve purchased CTP after August 13, 2020 (the date we formally announced the CTP course retirement) you will not be eligible for voucher conversions or the one-time special offer.

What discounts are available for students who recently purchased CTP? Is there an early bird rate?

For those students who purchased CTP in 2020, prior to August 13, 2020 (the date we formally announced the CTP course retirement), we will extend a one-time special offer of $500, related to retiring CTP, on one of the following courses:  Advanced Web Attacks and Exploitation, Evasion Techniques and Breaching Defenses, or Windows User Mode Exploit Development. Offer must be redeemed by December 31, 2020.

We will provide further information about how to claim and redeem your offer at a later date.

Will there be a discount/scholarship/grant/financial aid? What about the GI Bill?

We do not have any such offerings to announce at this time, but may in the future. OffSec is currently unable to honor the GI Bill at this time.

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How does this impact PWK/OSCP or AWE/OSEE?

Neither PWK/OSCP nor AWE/OSEE are affected by this announcement. OSCP holders may opt to purchase the existing CTP course by October 15, 2020 or continue their journey with one, any, or all of the new certifications.

Does this mean you’re putting AWE online?

Given the intensity and difficulty of AWE, we do not have plans to deliver the course online at this time.

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