
Kali Linux

Oct 21, 2009

Metasploit Rising

Metasploit purchased by Rapid7

2 min read

Hacking in progressThe Framework that we all know and love is about to take a massive leap into the future.   The MSF crew as well as the MSF itself has been placed under Rapid 7’s corporate umbrella.

The framework will continue to be free, running under the BSD license. We expect to see major improvements in the MSF due to this shift. With corporate backing there will be more resources and time to improve the MSF. We have been told that version 3.3 will be a MAJOR improvement due to a whole new structure.  In version 3.4 the jump will be even more drastic since full time staff and resources will be devoted to developing that version. HD Moore is still overseeing this project and will be heavily involved in development, creation and keeping MSF the awesome framework we are all used to.

Offensive Security, which has become a leader in the security market for training and penetration testing is now the official training partners for MSF education to the public.  Offensive Security worked with the MSF crew to create the acclaimed Metasploit Unleashed Course and we will continue to work closely with HD Moore and the Metasploit crew to continue offering amazing training on the MSF.  We look forward to seeing how all this unravels.

What’s coming in the future?  We are sure to see new and exciting developments in the MSF as well in new and improved Offensive Security Courses.