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Partner with usSafeguarding organizations from cyber threats demands a triad of pillars: technology, processes, and people. This report delves into the vital role of skilled personnel, the often-overlooked third pillar. With insights from 247 cybersecurity leaders, the findings emphasize that a well-trained staff is indispensable for optimal functioning of processes and technology, fortifying cybersecurity posture, and ensuring uninterrupted business operations. Without this human element, the foundation for safeguarding organizations remains incomplete.
Gain valuable insights into the multifaceted challenges faced by cybersecurity leaders in 2024, empowering you to make informed decisions for your organization's security.
Learn practical strategies to enhance your cybersecurity team's skills and resilience, ensuring they stay ahead of evolving threats and contribute to a stable and secure operational environment.
Backed by a comprehensive survey involving 247 cybersecurity professionals, the report provides reliable and relevant findings with an estimated Effective Margin of Error of +/- 3.7%, offering trustworthy insights for cybersecurity leadership.